Sunday, 6 December 2015

What I Have Learnt and Target Audience for My Magazine

What I have Learnt
In my Pop genre magazine, psychographics and demographics will feature heavily in my magazine. I have learnt that my demographics will allow all people aged 16 to 25 to connect with the content and chosen style I intend to do my Pop magazine in. I also have summarised what social grade my magazine is targeting itself to.
In terms of psychographics, I aiming predominantly going to target my magazine towards the Aspirer and Explorer. I believe play around with the colour palette of my magazine because both these groups are evidently adventures and are willing to explore both trending and future Pop artists.

My Target Audience:
For my chosen magazine genre of Pop, I have ultimately chosen to aim it towards the psychographics of the Aspirer and Explorer. I have firstly chosen to target my Pop magazine at Aspirers because criteria brief. Their criteria of image appearance and attractive packaging is a major aspect of Pop magazines. You associate Pop magazines with bright, primary colours which allow the young and also older age ranges to become appealed to it. Images of trending and currant artists are one of the main appeals to a Pop magazine as it allows the reader to discover more information about them which is one of the main selling points situated around the front covers of Pop magazines. You ultimately use different artists for certain age groups and genders. For instance, Top Of The Pops magazine use artists such as Jessie J and One Direction to allow their target audience of 11 to 14 year olds to instantly want to discover more about these artists.
Another reason why I have used the Aspirer is because of their appearance criteria. By focusing predominantly on the appearance of the magazine, it allows myself to play around with the colour palette, allowing myself to venture certain colour schemes which I normally wouldn't use.

For my next psychographics, I have chosen the Explorer. The Explorer is associated with energy and an instant effect to try new brands. Energy is a massive part of the Pop genre. You associate the young, energetic audience with the Pop genre which will be an effective aspect of my Pop magazine.
Not only is energy a significantly important aspect of the Pop genre and ultimately my magazine, but their willingness to try new brands is a major aspect of the Pop genre. Allowing themselves to discover new and trending artists allows them to become recognised in the music industry with the effect of publication allowing their talent to grow with audience appeal.

The target audience of my Pop magazine will target people from the ages of 16 to 25. I believe the target audiience I have chosen is slightly higher than what you would normally associate to a Pop music magazine. Existing magazines such as Top Of The Pops who target their magazine towards the age ranges of 11 to 14 year old females allows the content and colour palette of their magizne to be a little more extravagant and adventures. I have chosen this specific target audience because I want my magazine to have more of a professional feel to it. This will be shown using a mainly secondary colour palette which I believe instantly gives a magazine that professional feel. This will also be shown with the use of content present in my magazine. I will show content such as celebrity artist storylines. This I believe allows the reader to connect more with that celebrity's personal life and could possibly relate to it, creating a second person feel to this magazines content.

The audience I'm targeting my magazine at will be primarily British people, however my content and style will be made to ultimately target all different nationalities. My target audience in terms of sexuality will be aimed towards straight, bi, gay and transgender people. This, I believe again illustrates my point that I'm targeting my magazine towards various different target audiences which I believe also adds to the professionalism of my magazine. - Please can you fill out my survey.

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