Here is the survey monkey we carried out as a group to find out 'what the audience wants' in our film.

We have asked questions on what our target audience want to see in our film. These results will ultimately help us determine what aspects in terms of violence, drug use etc, we will be able to use. This will help in evidently writing our script because we will know what BBFC classification rating we need to follow. These results will also allow us to understand what our film posters are going to include such as the main actor, director, production company, genre and a key plot point of the film itself. These results will allow us to promptly and professionally get on with completing other tasks involved in our short film.

As you can see from the results of the first question, the majority of people primarily want to see a colour palette of black, red and white to fit the thriller/ crime genre we intend to base our short film on. I am glad our audience feels we need primarily dark colours for our film poster. Dark, secondary colours relate to the thriller/ crime genre most because of the connotations colours such as black are typically associated with. For instance, red signify's blood and danger which instantly signifies something bad is going to happen. Seeing the colour of red on a film poster will have the same effect because of the typical connotations of that certain colour.
The next question we asked is 'What is your gender'? We asked this to find out what percentage of male and females like the thriller/ crime genre and who I should primarily target my film poster towards. As you can see from the survey results, the majority of people who answered the survey are males, however females are not very fare behind the percentage of males who took the survey. This evidently means that I must target my film poster towards both genders to make sure it's equal to both genders.

The majority of people who answered our survey were aged 15 to 20, however we had quite a divide in terms of what ages of people took the survey. The next highest age group that took our survey were aged 21 to 25. These results show that the majority of people are of the older age-groups , which evidently means we need to target our film towards the older age group. This means we will need to add aspects to our film and film poster which typically relates to this age-group. This means we can add typically violent themes to our film and film poster because of the majority of older audiences who took our survey. This also links to the popular colour palette which was chosen by people who took our survey.
The next question we asked people was 'What should the main subject of the film poster be?'. We asked this question to get a definitive answer as to what the older target audiences wanted to see on a thriller/crime short film poster. Even though they are of the older age-groups, they may not want to see certain themes typically associated with the thriller genre of film. Because of this we had to ask what the audience wanted to see on our film posters to fit their certain specifications to allow ourselves to attract this certain audience in viewing our products.
As you can see from the results, the most popular choice the audience made in what they wanted to see on our film poster was a key plot point, such as locations or props which were a main focal point in the films plot. For instance, we want to have a knife in our short film which will evidently be a major factor to the outcome of the overall plot. Because of this, I feel it would be a good idea to add this aspect to my poster to give an almost 'teaser' feel to the poster, which in tern will hopefully get the audience anticipated for our short film.
excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.